Monday, November 10, 2014

I'm Baaaaaaccckkkk!

Just remembered the password to access this blog again! Now you can look forward to reading more of my thoughts. :)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

"Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus"

"Born thy people to deliver, 
 born a child and yet a King, 
 born to reign in us forever, 
 now thy gracious kingdom bring." 

He reigns in us. It's crazy! Right now I have a two-fold prayer: I'm praying that through us, through the work of the Holy Spirit in us, God would bring His Kingdom to Earth. I'm also praying that He would come back and restore things soon. There is so much hurt in the world, we all know that. But we are His servants, chosen to bring His kingdom here. Let's bring it!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

He has done great things

"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy."

I want this to be the anthem of my life. God is so faithful. He has done great things. He does great things. And He will do great things. When I am paying attention, I see this to be true every single day.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

tid bits

I just discovered that I really like honey roasted peanuts. In the same instant, I also discovered that my fiance doesn't like any kind of nut. Does this mean that when I go all domestic I can't make that homemade snickers bar I just recently pinned? Should I make it a priority to get my future husband to like nuts or should I just accept him the way he is?!

Along these lines, I had someone remind me the other day not to wish away our time of engagement. I'm pretty ready to be Erick's wife. But this comment grounded me once again, and I realize the importance of being satisfied with being his fiance right now. But I'm still pretty freaking excited.

In other news: two of my housemates are down stairs sleeping on the couches. I went down to share with them my delicious honey roasted peanuts, but they were unresponsive to my efforts. More peanuts for me I suppose... My other dedicated housemate is slaving away with her students, but should retreat back home soon. And that leaves Kayla, who is devotedly planning for small group tonight. (And hopefully soon fixin' muh dinner!)

Which leaves me. I'm going to be productive now. The real kind of productive where I actually do my homework.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Nothing like sweet Egyptian Licorice tea and some love from my Father. Heart = Content.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

He's at it again!

God has been revealing a lot this week. At small group we talked about seeing the Word through creation prayer and prophetic prayer. It was great. God is so good, and He speaks to us all the time!
God has been pointing out to me the importance of appreciating the people in my life: My family, my fiance, my beautiful friends. I want Him to continue showing me more of His love for these wonderful people I am so blessed to know.

Goals for this weekend:
1. Start a gratitude journal
2. Spend some quality time with my housemates
3. Relax
4. Knit
5. Catch up on homework... I suppose.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Little Joys

As of tonight, I have discovered some more little joys in my life. These include: late night shopping excursions with my hot housemates, buying new undies, long walks that end at Mcconn with a caramel macchiato freeze in my hand (counter-productive, yes, but who's counting, really?).

These things made putting off my homework SO worth it.

Something else I have to look forward to... taking engagement pictures with the love of my life on Saturday!